

Hashboard publishes a public GraphQL API at that you can use to programatically fetch project resources.


Requests to the GraphQL API are authenticated with an API token. An API token is tied to a user in Hashboard and inherits all of that user's permissions.

To generate a new API token:

  1. Go to your Project Settings page (opens in a new tab)
  2. Click Access Keys on the left side navigation
  3. Click + New Access Key
  4. Write a descriptive name for the API token, select API token as the Type, and click Create

The resulting screen will provide you with your API token. Save this in a safe place, as it cannot be re-created once you navigate away.

When making requests to the public GraphQL API, set the Authorization header key to your API token:

curl \
  -H "Authorization: YOUR_API_TOKEN" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{"query": "{ project(projectId: \"PROJECT_ID\") { name models { name } } }"}'

API tokens expire after 1 year.


The current public GraphQL schema is below and can also be inspected with introspection (opens in a new tab).

Currently, the public GraphQL API supports fetching metadata on Projects, Models, Saved Explorations, Metrics, Dashboards, Users and Roles.

Contact us if you are interested in accessing additional Hashboard resources via the public GraphQL API.

scalar JSON
scalar GRN

type Query {
  project(projectId: ID!): Project

type Project {
    id: ID!
    name: String!
    models: [Model!]!
    metrics: [Metric!]!
    dashboards: [Dashboard!]!
    users: [User!]!
    roles: [Role!]!

interface Resource {
    grn: GRN!
    name: String!
    spec: JSON!

type Model implements Resource {
    grn: GRN!
    name: String!
    spec: JSON!

    viewsLastTwoWeeks: Int
    savedExplorations: [SavedExploration]

type SavedExploration implements Resource {
    grn: GRN!
    name: String!
    spec: JSON!

    viewsLastTwoWeeks: Int

type Metric implements Resource {
    grn: GRN!
    name: String!
    spec: JSON!

type Dashboard implements Resource {
    grn: GRN!
    name: String!
    spec: JSON!

    viewsLastTwoWeeks: Int

type User {
    id: String!
    fullName: String
    displayName: String
    email: String
    roles: [String]

type Role {
    id: String!
    name: String!
    description: String!
    permissionRules: [PermissionRule]

type PermissionRule {
    name: String!
    resources: [String]!
    permissions: [String]!
    datasourceCredentials: [DataSourceCredentialsPermissions]

type DataSourceCredentialsPermissions {
    datasourceName: String!
    datasourceId: String!
    credentialName: String!
    credentialId: String!