Project Management
Partner Projects

Partner Projects

Create Partner Projects to safely share data with external partners without inviting them into your main project.

You may use Hashboard to analyze data about how your business partners or customers interact with your product. In some cases, you might want to surface these insights back to them on a consistent basis. Perhaps you'd even like to provide them the ability to independently explore their data. This is where Partner Projects come in.

Alternatively, Partner Projects can be used for isolating sensitive internal data (such as financial or HR data) to a smaller group within your organization.

Reach out to us at to enable this feature.


Anyone with the CREATE_PARTNER_PROJECT permission (only those with the system role Owner by default) can create a Partner Project.


  1. Go to Partner Projects (opens in a new tab) section in the Settings page.
  2. Click + Partner and enter information about your Partner Project on the following pages. You can invite people to your project immediately or do so later.
  3. Once you finish the above flow, you'll be sent back to your main project and should see a notification that your Partner Project is being created. Shortly after this, you should see another notification indicating that the project was successfully created. At this point, you can see the project listed under the Partner Projects (opens in a new tab) settings section as well as under the project dropdown.
  4. Click on the newly created Partner Project and set up the project from a blank slate.

Joining Partner Projects

You can join Partner Projects created by other users in your main project by clicking Join next to a project in the Partner Projects (opens in a new tab) settings section.