Project Users and Permissions
Permissions Reference

Hashboard Permissions Reference

APPLY_DRAFTCan apply a Project Draft
CREATE_COLOR_PALETTECan create new Color Palettes
CREATE_COLLECTIONCan create new Collections
CREATE_DASHBOARDCan create new Dashboards
CREATE_DATA_CONNECTIONCan create new Data sources
CREATE_DATA_MODELCan create new Data Models. This permission allows for arbitrary SQL execution.
CREATE_DATA_MODEL_REPO_BUILDCan preview and deploy changes via code using the CLI and Git integrations. Individual resource changes still require the appropriate CREATE / UPDATE / DELETE permissions.
CREATE_DRAFTCan create a Project Draft
CREATE_EMAIL_REPORTCan send one-time e-mail reports
CREATE_EMAIL_REPORT_SCHEDULECan create schedules for automated e-mail reports
CREATE_SLACK_REPORTCan send one-time slack reports
CREATE_SLACK_REPORT_SCHEDULECan create schedules for automated slack reports
CREATE_GOOGLE_SHEETS_REPORTCan send one-time Google Sheets reports
CREATE_GOOGLE_SHEETS_REPORT_SCHEDULECan create schedules for automated Google Sheets reports
CREATE_METRICCan create new Metrics
CREATE_OR_UPDATE_ADHOC_MODEL_COLUMNSCan create or update adhoc Attributes and Measures in an Exploration. This permission allows for arbitrary SQL execution.
CREATE_PARTNER_PROJECTCan create and see metadata about Partner Projects
CREATE_ROLECan create new Roles
CREATE_SAVED_VIEWCan create new Saved Explorations
CREATE_USERCan add new users to the Project, and can update global Project settings: Project access domains, Project invite URL, Default first day of week, Weekly granularity display
DELETE_COLLECTIONCan delete Collections
DELETE_DASHBOARDCan trash and delete Dashboards
DELETE_DATA_CONNECTIONCan delete Data sources
DELETE_DATA_FILECan delete uploaded data files
DELETE_DATA_MODELCan trash and delete Data Models. This permission can be scoped to specific Data Models.
DELETE_DATA_MODEL_REPOCan delete the Project's git integration configuration
DELETE_DRAFTCan delete a Project Draft
DELETE_EMAIL_REPORT_SCHEDULECan delete an e-mail report schedule
DELETE_SLACK_REPORT_SCHEDULECan delete a slack report schedule
DELETE_GOOGLE_SHEETS_REPORT_SCHEDULECan delete a Google Sheets report schedule
DELETE_METRICCan trash and delete Metrics
DELETE_ROLECan delete a Role
DELETE_SAVED_VIEWCan trash and delete Saved Explorations
DELETE_USERCan remove any User from the Project
READ_AGGREGATED_DATACan see aggregated data from any accessible Data Model
MANAGE_SLACK_INTEGRATIONCan manage the Project's Slack integration.
READ_COLLECTIONCan see Collections
READ_DASHBOARDCan see Dashboards. Data access is controlled by access to the underlying Data Model.
READ_DATA_CONNECTIONCan see the list of Data sources and can see the list of tables and columns inside each data source. Also can view Resource Lineage.
READ_DATA_MODELControls access to Data Models and all downstream resources that depend on them. This permission can be scoped to grant access to only specific Data Models.
READ_DATA_MODEL_REPOThis permission is deprecated and is no longer used.
READ_DATA_MODEL_REPO_BUILDCan see metadata for all Data Ops preview and deploy builds
READ_METRICCan see Metric metadata. Data access is controlled by access to the underlying Data Model.
READ_RAW_DATACan see the underlying data of any accessible Data Models
READ_ROLECan list and see the metadata for every Role in the Project. This permission is also required to change any Data source that has role-based credentials configured.
READ_SAVED_VIEWCan see Saved Exploration metadata
READ_SQL_RUNNERCan run arbitrary SQL against the Project's Data sources
READ_USERThis permission is deprecated and is no longer used.
UPDATE_AUTO_TRASHINGCan update Auto Archive settings
UPDATE_COLLECTIONCan update Collection metadata and add resources to Collections
UPDATE_COLOR_PALETTECan update Color Palettes
UPDATE_DASHBOARDCan update Dashboards
UPDATE_DATA_CONNECTIONCan update Data source configuration
UPDATE_DATA_MODELCan update Data Models. This permission can be scoped to specific Data Models.
UPDATE_DATA_MODEL_REPOCan update the Project's git integration configuration
UPDATE_DRAFTCan update a Project Draft
UPDATE_EMAIL_REPORT_SCHEDULECan update a scheduled e-mail report
UPDATE_SLACK_REPORT_SCHEDULECan update a scheduled slack report
UPDATE_GOOGLE_SHEETS_REPORT_SCHEDULECan update a scheduled Google Sheets report
UPDATE_METRICCan update a Metric
UPDATE_PROJECT_BRANDINGCan change the Project's name and homepage
UPDATE_PROJECT_DEFAULT_COLOR_PALETTECan change the Project's default color palette
UPDATE_PUBLIC_SHARINGCan enable and disable whether a resource is shared publicly
UPDATE_ROLECan change all Roles. This permission is also required to change any Data source that has role-based credentials configured.
UPDATE_SAVED_VIEWCan change all Saved Explorations
UPDATE_USERCan change all User's names and Roles
UPDATE_RESOURCE_STATUSCan change the status of a resource
UPLOAD_DATA_FILECan upload data files
VIEW_DATA_EXPLORERCan start a new exploration from a data model, saved exploration or dashboard in the Hashboard UI. 1
VIEW_DATA_DOWNLOAD_BUTTONS_IN_UICan download chart and underlying data from models, saved explorations and dashboards in the Hashboard UI. 1
VIEW_IMAGE_DOWNLOAD_BUTTONS_IN_UICan download chart images from models and saved explorations in the Hashboard UI. 1


  1. This permission is only enforced in the Hashboard UI, and its absence does not limit programmatic access to data models via the Hashboard API. 2 3