Quick Start

Quick Start in the App

Once you get access to Hashboard, you will be invited to login to a project. Users can belong to multiple projects, but data cannot be shared between projects. So users, permissions, database connections, data models and every other resource is isolated in the context of a project. Typically your entire organization can be managed in a single project.

Not ready to connect to a database?- You can use a Sandbox demo project to test the functionality of Hashboard with sample datasets.

Add a database connection

Also see database connections for configurations specific to different database types.


Firewall Configuration- If you use a firewall to restrict access to your database, you'll need to allowlist Hashboard's IPs. Hashboard will always connect to your database from one of these IP addresses.
  1. Go to the Settings page (opens in a new tab).
  2. Click + New Database Connection.
  3. Select the type of database; either Athena, BigQuery, Snowflake, Postgres, Redshift, ClickHouse or DuckDB.
  4. Enter the credentials according to your type of database.
  5. Click Test to test your connection.
  6. Click Add to complete the process.

Define a data model

Every chart and analysis is based on a Hashboard data model.

  1. Go to your project homepage (opens in a new tab) and click New Data Model. Select a database connection, click on a table name, and click Build Model.

Using a SQL Query- Each Hashboard data model is based on an underlying data table. If the data in your data isn't quite in the right format, it's possible to specify an underlying query as the basis for your data model.

  1. Edit the name of the data model at the top of the page.
  2. Add additional measures and attributes by clicking Add measure and Add attribute next to the name of the field.
  3. Create a SQL based custom measure by clicking Add custom measure (see Measures for more details).
  4. Click Save Model then click Open in Explore to start exploring the data.

Start interacting with your data

  1. On the previous page you can also simply click "Save & Explore" to jump right into the data explorer. To start a new data exploration Go to the Data Models page (opens in a new tab).
  2. Click on the name of the data model we just created.

You're ready to begin interacting with your data. Next, learn how to use the Attribute Tray to filter and breakout your data.