Project Search

Project Search

Project search in Hashboard allows you to quickly locate and navigate to various resources within your project such as models, saved explorations, measures, metrics, and dashboards.

To initiate a search, you can use the search input located at the top of the side navigation bar. Simply type your query to see the results.

Alternatively, you can bring up the search dialog at any time by pressing Cmd + K (Mac) or Ctrl + K (Windows/Linux).

Search Tips

  • Search terms are matched against a resource's name, description, grn and labels.
  • The search is not case-sensitive, meaning 'Sales' and 'sales' will return the same results.
  • You can use partial names to find what you’re looking for. For example, typing 'Rev' could show results for 'Revenue', 'Review', etc.
  • Results will be ordered and grouped by the last time you accessed the resource.

Looking for a way to start exploring your data but not sure which resources to go to? Data Search provides a way for you to start exploring any attribute or measure in your project without having to navigate to specific resource.