Prod and Staging Environments

Managing Staging and Production Environments in Hashboard

In Hashboard you can manage ephemeral environments for your Business Intelligence dashboards that point to stage and production using previews. Although there is no explicit feature to manage multiple environments, you can leverage environmental variables in the Hashboard config spec to achieve this. This guide will walk you through how to set up and manage different environments for your data models.

Point at different schemas with Environmental Variables or dbt itegration

Hashboard allows you to use environmental variables in your config files. This enables you to switch between different database connections or other settings based on the environment you're working in.

You can also use any dbt jinja or dbt macros to templatize or switch between different environments in Hashboard.

You can set the environment variable in the context where you run your CLI and then specify your configuration file with that environment variable:

hbVersion: "1.0"
type: model
alias: product_user_events
name: Product User Events
  connectionName: bigquery-hashboard-analytics
  physicalName: events
  schema: ${DB_SCHEMA}
  - id: sent_at
    type: attribute
    physicalName: sent_at
  - id: bounce_rate
    type: measure
    name: bounce rate
      fixedDecimals: 0
      formatAsPercent: true
    sql: safe_divide(sum(if(event_name='bounceResource',1,0)),count(distinct user_id))

Creating Dev and Staging Schemas

You can create a development schema within your database and specify this dev or staging schema when building your data pipelines. You can then specify this same schema in your config files. This enables you to maintain a development environment that is separate from your production environment. These are all possible environments you might want to configure:

  • production - the production environment will have your main analytics database and you will use deploy to update production in Hashboard
  • staging - your staging environment will point at a schema like stage in your database - you will create a new preview each time staging changes
  • local development - during local testing you might have a dev schema dev_carlos - you can create a preview anytime you want to see how Hashboard looks with your current changes
  • continuous integration environments - some systems like dbt cloud can create a new schema for each pull request in git, you can again create a new preview environment in hashboard that points at each of these different CI environments

Prepending Table Names - An alternative to creating a separate schema is to prepend your table names with an environment indicator like dev_. This allows you to easily distinguish between production and development tables in the same schema.

Building Hashboard Previews

Once you have set up your dev schema or prepended your table names, you can build Hashboard previews that point to these dev tables. This way, you can test changes and run models in a development environment before promoting them to production. Also see the guide on continuous integration workflows.

Each preview acts as it's own ephemeral environment - so you don't just have a single staging environment, but an environment for any change that you can reference.